Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

[O136.Ebook] Ebook Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

Ebook Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

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Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

Ebook Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

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Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall

With Numerous Illustrations From Early Books & Manuscripts of the Rosicrucian Order

Introduction & Commentary by Manly P. Hall

With scholars now showing new respect for the Hermetic arts and those fantastic and wonderfully devout diagrams and figures appearing in the works of seventeenth century alchemists, it was felt that now is the time to reissue Codex Rosae Crucis, considered the definitive work in its field. Invaluable for the English translation accompanying a facsimile of the original eighteenth century manuscript, as well as Mr. Hall's interpretative comments, the Codex threads together fragments of history pertaining to the Rosicrucian foundations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Of special interest is a picture of the only known representation of the Temple of the Rosy Cross from an engraving in 1618. In his work entitled Psychology and Alchemy, the famous psychologist C. G. Jung reproduced the plate of Michelspacher's Cabala and made numerous other references to material contained in Codex Ros Crucis. Folio size, with full-color plates and two-color manuscript section.

  • Sales Rank: #1954404 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Philosophical Research Society Inc
  • Published on: 1999-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: .64" h x 9.32" w x 12.33" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 113 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Manly P. Hall was the founder of the Philosophical Research Society. In over seventy-five years of dynamic public activity, he delivered more than 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, and authored countless books, essays, and articles. In his lectures and writings, Manly Hall always emphasized the practical aspects of philosophy and religion as they applied to daily living. He restated for modern man those spiritual and ethical doctrines which have given humanity its noblest ideals and most adequate codes of conduct. Believing that philosophy is a working tool to help the individual in building a solid foundation for his dreams and purposes, Manly Hall steadfastly sought recognition of the belief that world civilization can be perfected only when human beings meet on a common ground of intelligence, cooperation, and worthy purpose.

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
A must for the serious student of hermetic arts!
By John J. Coughlin
Considered the definitive work in the field of hermetic arts, this wonderful large book is also very ornate, containing full-color plates and two-color manuscript section. Most notable of these images is the only known representation of the Temple of the Rosy Cross from an engraving in 1618. The book contains the English translation accompanying a facsimile of the original eighteenth century manuscript, which is of particular interest to the more serious scholars. Also useful was the commentary, which threads together fragments of history pertaining to the Rosicrucian foundations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The famous psychologist C. G. Jung, in his work entitled Psychology and Alchemy, reproduced the plate of Michelspacher's Cabala and made numerous other references to material contained in Codex Ros� Crucis.
If you are a student of the hermetic arts this book is a must for your collection. It is always nice to find a book whose content value is equally matched with its artistic quality. If you are just dabbling in the occult, this book would probably not be of much use other than as eye candy.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Rosicrucian Resource!
By Spiritus Gladius
I bought this book based on the above review, and at first, I was doubtful after I ordered it, but when it arrived, I was very, very glad I did! This is a beautiful oversized book, with many illustrations, and much information I have never seen before. I find the whole Rosicrucian movement fascinating, and this book has information you will not find anywhere else, to my knowledge. Get this book, it is worth the price. Also check out the "Golden Game". Another beautiful book but focusing more on 17th century alchemy in general.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
It is Definitely Curious and of Interest
By A Customer
I cannot attest to this manuscript's rarity, as it is being mass-produced.
However, I can say that it is, indeed, a very aesthetically pleasing tome. Even the cover is lovely to look at. The plates inside are of excellent quality. While you may not spend months with your nose in this book, there is knowledge to be gleaned from it. I do find it a book of value for one who is interested in the esoteric.

See all 4 customer reviews...

Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall PDF
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Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall PDF

Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall PDF

Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall PDF
Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest., by Manly P. Hall PDF

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