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Pretend You're Mine, by Lucy Score
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I only wanted to protect you...
Luke Garrison is a hometown hero, a member of the National Guard ready to deploy again. Strong, sweet, and sexy, he doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't want one. When the wildly beautiful Harper stumbles into his life, though, he realizes that she's the perfect decoy. A fake girlfriend to keep his family off his back until he's out on another mission.
So what if a single bite of her lip sends his mind to wicked places? He can control himself. Can't he?
Harper was on her way to starting a new life... again. But something about Luke makes her want to settle down in this small town and make Luke's house a home. When his arms wrap around her like steel, she finally knows what it's like to feel safe. Protected.
One night of sleeping in the same bed turns into something much, much more... and soon Luke can't keep his mind off Harper's wide gray eyes, or his hands off of her luscious curves. He never thought he'd feel this way about a woman again. But he knows that he can't tell her the truth about his dark past, and she can't reveal to him what she's running from.
Anyway, this isn't a real relationship. It's only for a month. Only pretend. Until it isn't...
- Sales Rank: #76431 in Books
- Published on: 2015-10-26
- Original language: English
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.13" w x 5.00" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 450 pages
"Beautiful Love Story!!! One of the�best love stories�I've read in a long time. There was�laughter, tears, banter...oh the banter, suspense, and�sex...lots and lots of sex!! A happy ending had by all and the�ride to get there was awesome�(pun intended)."- Amber Dreese�
"OMG !!!!!! Perfection!�This is by far one of the BEST books I've read in a very long time.Funny, sweet, heartbreaking, heartwarming,�PERFECT!" - Robin A. Cleary
Most helpful customer reviews
58 of 66 people found the following review helpful.
By Carolyn
This one is so hard for me to review because I think I fell in love with this book, characters and author. I don't want to write the review because it's like me closing the door, turning my back on these people and I don't want to.
Harper was intelligent, strong, resilient and hilarious. I loved her sharp tongue, her quick wit, but her compassion, honesty, sincerity was top notch. Getting the heck out of dodge when she flees a cheating boss/boyfriend, Harper ends up a lively little town, hours away from her intended destination. The initial meeting with the main characters was a great scene showcasing what a spitfire Harper was going to be in the townspeople's lives. Hometown hero Luke Garrison is taken aback at how Harper "jumps right" in to the aid of others, never caring what it might mean for her own safety. Living a bachelor life after trying to recover from a devastating past, hunky Luke is the target of his family's matchmaking and soon takes Harper as a fake girlfriend to keep his family off his back until he deploys with his National Guard Unit to Afghanistan in a month. Harper also has a tragic past and these two kindred spirits soon have a deep, yet passionate, connection Luke is finding hard to fight.
Harper is a character that I won't forget. A foster child after losing her parents in a car accident at the age of 7, passed through the foster system until she ages out, physical abuse, alone in this world and always ready for a challenge, Harper was a go getter, a rescuer, a helper, a friend, a listener, and all she wanted back was for someone to be the same for her, to protect her, save her, love her. Luke is so drawn to her, his family, the town, no one can help but fall for this amazing, generous woman with a heart of gold who has lived a life of ashes.
Luke just can't give her what she needs and wants, himself. The story into his past was sad, heart wrenching and one worthy of a happy ending. These characters all were ones who deserve another story and I hope Lucy Score gives them one. I know I will read it!
34 of 40 people found the following review helpful.
Terrific heroine, sub par hero.
By Boutrosbabe
Pretend You're Mine is a fairly well written book with a heroine I truly enjoyed. Harper Wilde is a self-aware firecracker of a woman who doesn't shy away from saying the hard thing - or doing it. She tends to take life on fully, and I admired that about her. Hero Luke Garrison, however, cannot say the same thing. He hides from everything in his life. His interactions with his family, his feelings for Harper, the damage caused by his last relationship... everything. He was not very heroic or particularly charming.
The book follows Harper primarily as she turns a crappy day into a pretty good life. She shows up in Luke's hometown with no money, cell phone, gas for her car, clothes, or ID. She caught her bf/boss cheating and just runs away. No time is spent mourning the relationship which I didn't understand at first but which made more sense once I learned that Harper is a roll-with-the-punches sort of girl. After stopping at a small town bar (where she immediately attacks a guy in the parking lot who is roughing up a girl), she gets set up with Luke who will give her a place to stay (his own bed), take her to get the stuff from her apartment, and give her a full time job as an office manager (without even asking her if she is capable of doing the work). This was one of the reasons the book only received three stars. It was all just so over the top lucky/convenient that it was hard to suspend my disbelief. Why not just give her cash for a hotel and gas?
Logic issues aside, the best bits of this book are Harper's thoughts as she falls in love with Luke, his family, and the town in which she finds herself. She knows he is emotionally stunted, accepts that, and decides to go all in anyway. She chooses to experience all the joy she can before the inevitable pain sets in. It's nice to see that kind of bittersweet self-awareness in a character, as well as one who doesn't try to change the hero.
The two have good sexual chemistry in their many open door sex scenes. I do wish the author proofread her scenes more thoroughly, though, as more than once there were continuity errors (as in, he takes her underwear off before they get on the bed, and then once on the bed, he takes her underwear off. Again). Scenes like these are why authors pay me to content edit their work.
The other reason the book received only three stars was the way in which Luke "saved" Harper. She is under threat from her ex-foster dad who is about to be released from prison, where her testimony sent him. Behind Harper's back Luke gets in touch with the cop who worked Harper's case and together they set up a sting operation in which they get the guy to confess his assault conspiracy actions and he gets put away, presumably for the rest of his life.
Why create a strong, intelligent heroine, only to wimp out and have someone else save her? Harper was more than capable of catching that guy in his own confession herself, and she should have. She is not written as a damsel. She did not need rescuing. I get that Luke needed a grand gesture to prove he was serious about being with Harper, but this wasn't it. It left a bad taste in my mouth as I read it.
Also, I think Harper forgave Luke too easily for the really crappy things he said to her. Being unable to love due to a damaged past is one thing; being deliberately cruel is another thing entirely. Luke's comments to Harper while they were breaking/broken up were way over the line. She should have throat punched him.
In the end, I enjoyed the writing of this book enough that I read another book by this author (Undercover Love. It's not as good as this one, and I won't be reviewing it). I think Pretend You're Mine shows growth by the author in skill; I would be willing to read future works by her. If you're in the KU program, this book isn't a bad way to spend an afternoon. If you love big families and small towns or spunky heroines who rarely take people's crap, you might enjoy this one.
73 of 93 people found the following review helpful.
2.5 STARS...Harper was awesome, but Luke was THE WORST
By RedRedtheycallmeRed
This book felt unnecessarily long to me. In the middle of the book, Luke goes on a six month deployment and there are lots of mundane details that I really didn't care about. Harper plants a garden. Harper does some landscaping. Harper does some redecorating to Luke's house. I think a good editor could have made some cuts to gain a tighter story. The beginning was strong (and much funnier, the humor got less and less through the course of the book), but it got more meandering the further it went along.
Harper was a pretty awesome character, except for her bad taste in men. She was funny, sweet and unfailingly optimistic. It was easy to see why the town liked her so much. Luke, on the other hand, I just kept wanting to punch some sense into his stupid head. He's constantly going on about how Harper gets herself into trouble, like he's her keeper? She's clearly been doing ok, and it just made him seem condescending. He tells her he can't ever fall in love with her ("she deserves better than me", barf), but has no issue with her moving in, adopting dogs together, and having sex with her 24/7. He finally breaks her heart, but he's still possessive, getting mad when he sees her with other guys and blowing up her phone all the time. And then at the end he has to rescue her from a scary situation (which screamed, THIS ISN'T LEGAL) because of course she wouldn't be able to save herself.
As for Luke's "big secret"? 1) It is in no way believable in that busybody town that someone wouldn't have let it slip to Harper. She was there for like eight months! 2) It's been five years, and you are not the thing the universe revolves around, Luke. Get over yourself.
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