Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

[P616.Ebook] PDF Download Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

PDF Download Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

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Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

PDF Download Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

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Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown

Quantum field theory is the basic theory of elementary particle physics. In recent years, many techniques have been developed that extend and clarify this theory. This book develops quantum field theory starting from its foundation in quantum mechanics and incorporates the most modern methods, giving a thoroughly modern pedagogic account that starts from first principles. The path integral formulation is introduced right at the beginning. The method of dimensional continuation is employed to regulate and renormalize the theory. This facilitates the introduction of the concepts of the renormalization group at an early stage. The notion of spontaneous symmetry breakdown is also introduced early on by the example of superfluid helium. Topics in quantum electrodynamics are described that have an analog in quantum chromodynamics. Some novel techniques are employed, such as the use of dimensional continuation to compute the Lamb shift. This book is appropriate as a graduate level text in theoretical physics and particle physics, and is complete with exercises for practice.

  • Sales Rank: #842477 in Books
  • Published on: 1994-08-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.98" h x 1.14" w x 5.98" l, 2.08 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 560 pages

"Marked by its astute choice of topics as well as by the clarity with which they are expounded, it is akin to a toolbox for students of modern quantum field theory...a very interesting and original textbook." Pierre Raymond, Science

"...nicely self-contained text for physicists with little or no a priori knowledge of quantum field theory....I recommend the book without hesitation to QFT lecturers, who will certainly find it helpful and will no doubt enjoy some of the occasional pedagogical innovations." Jean Zinn-Justin, Physics World

"...a personal, but by no means an idiosyncratic book, to be recommended in the highest terms to students of particle physics." Lewis Ryder, The Times Higher Education Supplement

"Brown's book is distinguished by the care and clarity with which he treats the topics discussed. I sense that he has rethought everything afresh, starting from basic principles; his descriptions of topics are almost invariably better than those of earlier authors." O.W. Greenberg, Physics Today

"...anyone who masters the greater part of [Quantum Field Theory] will be very well-equipped...consistent in its writing...with plenty of substantial, but doable, exercises to provide markers on progress as well as avenues for further instruction." Mathematical Reviews

"...This is a very interesting and original textbook...the style of presentation is crisp, and the book is sprinkled with the author's understated humor. The technical discussions are lucid, compact, and easy to follow...any student who masters the techniques expounded here will emerge with a thorough knowledge of quantum field theory. I strongly recommend this book to whoever aspires to become either a particle or a condensed matter physicist." Science

"...very readable...an excellent introduction to modern techniques of quantum field theory..." Physics in Canada

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The ultimate QFT introduction
By C Seher
A wise, sly, superb book. It shrewdly eschews Non-Abelian fields and applications, and relies on QED, the paradigmatic prototype of QFT.

Clear, tasteful, and laden with priceless, powerful calculational tricks: not just Feynman's and Dyson's, but also Schwinger's. (This is quite rare, as most QFT texts in the market trace their lineage to Dyson's notes, via Yennie, Bjorken and Drell, Peskin-Schroeder, etc.)

Masterly insights, clarity of thought, and concept density, delivered in a good voice. Gets things done (Look at its utilization of jacobi's formula on p. 54 to compute characteristic polynomials, and rejoice!). Works the tools of the trade to deadly effectiveness.

Even if the reader read it for style and elegance of formulation, the benefits from it could be transformational.

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent pedagogy for a first course in QFT
By A Customer
This is perhaps the ONLY book on QFT which has good pedagogy as essential motivation. Even Peskin-Schroeder does not accomplish this. Everything is explained in all full details without compromise and the problems give the opportunity to learn a lot from the numerous hints provided by the author. The price for this is the limited scope(canonical quantisation is not exposed, nothing on non-abelian gauge, the insistance on path integrals gives a rather one-sided view of the theory), but this is not a defect, it's largely compensated by the quality of the book.

9 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Textbook
By A Customer
This textbook really puts you through your paces as far a functional integral methods and their applications to QFT go. The only bad bit is that it is 'half-a-book' (in L. Brown's preface) - it doesn't cover non-Abelian gauge theories at all. Excellent for a first course in Quantum Field Theory.

See all 4 customer reviews...

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Quantum Field Theory, by Professor Lowell S. Brown PDF

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